Please note that AccountAssyst version 1.0 has recently been upgraded to version 2.0.

Version 1.0 (this site) has now ceased to operate for all new activities.

Go to for the latest version of AccountAssyst to find out about the latest solution and features available to you.

IMPORTANT - Existing Customers

Please register urgently for your free trial of AccountAssyst version 2.0 by visiting

Use the ‘Get Your Free 50 Unit No Obligation Free Trial’ button to join us and after doing so please email us at with some suggested dates for your complimentary online navigation and migration meeting (which should take approximately one hour).

At your migration and navigation meeting we will also arrange the transfer of any unused units from the old version for your immediate use.

What Will Happen To Your Existing Records?

Don’t worry these will remain exactly where they are, and will be retained indefinitely for archive purposes. You can access them at any time going forwards to view any historically opened account, original credit reports and credit control activities.

To Discuss Anything Further Relating to your Migration

Simply ring us on 01274 223190 and we shall be happy to help.


customer check  Existing Customer Reviews » View Demo

This is a similar process to that for account opening except that it enables you to establish the benefits of AccountAssyst with customers with whom you already have a relationship. The process involves your customer completing your bespoke customer review form incorporating your up to date terms and conditions. You will receive a credit report upon the applicant, you will be alerted to any changes to data held at Companies House and be made aware of any new court information. You will be provided with historical ROSI information on the applicant as well as being registered for ongoing ROSI Monitor notifications.

There are many benefits provided by the Existing Customer Review process:

1. Being fully aware of who you are dealing with

Limited company, Partnership or Sole Trader? The Account Opening process ensures that you know exactly who you are dealing with by forming your contract to supply with the correct legal entity. They may be an existing customer, but do you have this crucial information?

2. Access to current and relevant customer details

A customer review will ensure that your records are updated with the latest information available on your customer, including the current contact and their current address. What is more, this information can be easily exported from AccountAssyst to update your other systems if necessary, free of charge.

3. Access to current credit information on your customer

When was the last time you checked the credit worthiness of your existing customers? Accounts opened many years ago with large credit limits can often leave you exposed if you remain unaware of your customers’ current position.
The existing customer review process provides a credit report and credit limit as well as up to date ROSI information. It also activates ROSI Monitor.

4. Establishes robust current terms and conditions

You remain in control of the relationship with your existing customer by ensuring that the contractual position between you both is based on your current terms and conditions. These are automatically agreed by the applicant customer as part of the review process.

If you don’t have any terms and conditions, this is not a problem. Generic terms and conditions are immediately available for your use if required. Without terms and conditions you are very badly exposed as a business as the burden of proof in any court action is always on the supplier to prove their case. Without agreed terms and conditions you are unlikely to be able to do this easily, if at all.

This can lead to a very expensive lesson in both written off debt and solicitors costs.

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No registration fee and 16 free credit reports worth £240.00 when you join!

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